
lispy gopher climate

Historically informed lisp technocognitive software individual community aNONradio

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I host the Lispy Gopher Climate every week (3 years now?) where we address ourselves to the climate crisis, with weekly leadership and poetry from Kent Pitman (of chairing the ANSI Common Lisp 2e), then expand out into hard to find and often oral lisp and common lisp modernity and history. We also serve as a sort of gopher and allied sm0lnet community news supported by our community music releases.

Described by @<Setto@s.basspistol.org> " It's a great show you are running! It feels like a sort of collective asynchronous philosophical brainstorm. Very nice!"

Since the end of 2023, UNK and I also host Zhen House Zhen Bonkwave, a lifestyle show set in LambdaMOO in English and Chinese where we participate in and discover the first and longest running virtual reality, LambdaMOO. I would like to particularly thank nosrednA yduJ of MOO and lisp fame for her support and presence. A MOO is extended in real time by its players in the same way it was created. Music is from the bonkwave community.

If I may biographise myself, I write think and live common lisp. In particular, my discovery of Sandewall's lost c. 2012 draft treatise on knowledge representation for communities of interacting technocognitive agents is central to my conception of lisp and technology. Discovering, disseminating and conserving knowledge from lisp that has been pushed inaccessibly out of common availability of its natural lisp users.

What is called gamedev is a fundamental pillar of strength and power we and this world desperately need, right now. I am questing to form a specification for a lisp games software console extending the ANSI common lisp 2e and Common Lisp Interface Manager II specification.

Links! aNONradio.net listening link and schedule: https://aNONradio.net , archive https://archives.aNONradio.net/#screwtape . Some Of My Writing: gopher://gopher.club/1/users/screwtape https://lispy-gopher-show.itch.io Web proxy: https://portal.mozz.us/gopher/gopher.club/1/users/screwtape .

I need funding to facilitate my work and stay alive. Excess will be channeled into making larger, faster impacts in our changing the world, and especially with jns, prahou, catK and UNK.

Links Of People I Mentioned You Should Love And Support Who Are Not Me (Or UNK) gopher://gopher.linkerror.com https://linkerror.com/Eternal https://toobnix.org/c/jns_channel https://analognowhere.com/ https://toobnix.org/c/cat_channel

https://nhplace.com/ https://climatejustice.social/@kentpitman http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~yduj/ http://hachyderm.io/@nosrednayduj

Literally everyone else. ratxue. All the aNONradio DJs and damgud cyberchatters.

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screwlisp joined 4 months ago.

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