
CanAirIO, Citizen network for monitoring air quality

CanAirIO receives $0.25 per week from 1 patron.
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CanAirIO owns the following accounts on other platforms:


canairio_android Stars 16 Updated 2 weeks ago

Android app of CanAirIO project. This is configuration manager, geo-location tagging and front end of CanAirIO firmware via Bluetooth LE.

canairio_firmware Stars 109 Updated 1 month ago

CanAirIO is a citizen science initiative. We are developing a mobile application that is able to set a PM2.5 or CO2 sensors, and other related sensors, as a fixed station using WiFi or mobile station with an smartphone by using a Bluetooth connection.

canairio_sensorlib Stars 37 Updated 1 month ago

Particle sensor manager for multiple sensors: Honeywell, Plantower, Panasonic, Sensirion, etc. This is sensors layer of CanAirIO project too.

docs (fork) Stars 5 Updated this week

CanAirIO citizen science initiative. This the official documentation. Please we need help, consider make a contribution. This project is a Jekyll-based theme.


CanAirIO joined 5 years ago.

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