
Scotty Foster

A solar powered, radio broadcasting, organic growing, co-operative creating lunatic worker.

CommunitySupportedScotty's goal is to receive A$400.00 per week.
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Scotty is a solar powered, radio broadcasting, organic growing, co-operative creating, earth and people protecting lunatic worker from Canberra, Australia.

I currently earn a meagre living doing on and off grid solar, and general electrical work.

My real work is through community groups.

I am currently coordinating (or co-coordinating):

  • Co-operatives, Commons and Communities Canberra (CoCanberra)
  • Soil City Co-operative Farming
  • The New Economy Network of Australia, Canberra Regional Hub
  • The New Economy Network of Australia, NENA Radio
  • Community Radio 2XX in Canberra - Radio Behind the Lines show
  • Align in the Sound podcast


  • Pre Power Co-operative - Renewable energy

and working closely with

  • SEE-Change Canberra

I talk with local groups about how co-operatives and commons can form a key part of solutions to our many crises caused by a sick economic system.

These projects are all done on a voluntary basis. They all weave in and out of each other, in complementary ways. Having so many projects, it seems logical to ask supporters to just fund my life, rather than spend scarce hours trying to fundraise and account for each individual project.

I am not about to stop the work I am doing, but if I can get enough peoples support, I can go full time in building new pathways to an economy which benefits both people and planet. An extra 2 days per week focusing on genuine solutions will make a huge difference.

Every community has the potential to organize and provide for its own needs. Peoples true wealth lies in a healthy community, and achieving this requires healthy soil, water, locality, region, and planet, as well as a healthy democracy. Salvaging the best natural and human wealth of our past and present, ending the present pillage of people and planet, and helping design appropriate ways for human populations to live within the earth into the unforeseeable future are current obsessions.

There are some who call what I want and what I do lunacy..... and I would rather be tagged a lunatic than be someone who "sanely" carries out their own - and others - destruction.

I can't think of anything better to do with my life!


CommunitySupportedScotty joined 5 years ago.

Income per week (in Australian Dollar)

Number of patrons per week