I'm a Free and Open Source developer who makes a variety of software, mostly for Linux.
Hi! I'm Elara. I'm a FOSS developer who loves writing code and solving problems.
I contribute to all kinds of projects. Some of the well-known ones include: CockroachDB, GoReleaser, Fyne, and TinyGo.
I also maintain all kinds of projects including templating engines, Linux packaging software, Discord bots, Lemmy bots, smartwatch companion apps, and a lot more.
Linked Accounts
Elara6331 owns the following accounts on other platforms:
riscv-docker Stars 2 Updated this week
Docker containers with support for RISC-V
salix Stars 4 Updated this week
A Go templating engine that's fun to use
itd Stars 10 Updated 5 months ago
Linux companion daemon for the InfiniTime smartwatch firmware
zig-gpio Stars 16 Updated 6 months ago
A Zig library for controlling GPIO lines on Linux systems
go-lemmy Stars 34 Updated 1 year ago
Automatically generated Go API bindings for Lemmy
Elara6331 is a member of 1 team:
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Elara6331 has 1 public patron.

Elara6331 joined 3 years ago.