Open Design and local manufacturing (are part of permaculture)
Open Design and local manufacturing are what #permaculture is in my domain : imagine and create good products/tools.
I contribute to the commons since 2009, and I appreciate the impact I can have at my level, or at a broader scale via the people I met and the sharing of those ideas.
Some links for those who don't know me yet :
- TEDx Belfort - "Partage & coopération, de petites idées aux grandes conséquences"
- OBC Auxerre - "Open Edge: une expérience de l'ouverture"
- Various contributions to the RepRap Wiki (notably the RepRap Family Tree, to update)
- The well known FoldaRap, and its big sister the Mondrian
- More than 80 plans/projects that you can download on Thingiverse/Github
- https://about.me/emmanuelgilloz
In progress :
- Design guidelines for additive manufacturing (my "30 rules")
- A skill tree (inspired by diy.org)
Linked Accounts
EmmanuelG owns the following accounts on other platforms:
Foldarap Stars 74 Updated 4 years ago
The Folding RepRap !
EmmanuelG joined 8 years ago.