

Grbl-Mega-5X, cn5X and others Maintainer

Gauthier receives €1.00 per week from 1 patron.
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Hello, I provide maintenance and support on several free and open source software, my main contributions go to Grbl-Mega-5X and cn5X ++, softwares for controlling numerically controlled machines (CNC). This open source projects are fueled by my spare time and a few altruistic users. If you wish to participate by making a donation, all proceeds will be used to help fund necessary support materials and test equipment. Thank you!

Linked Accounts

Gauthier owns the following accounts on other platforms:


cn5X Stars 77 Updated 1 week ago

cn5X++ is a new 5/6 axis Grbl control panel to implement all the grbl-Mega-5X capabilities.

charly_post Stars 6 Updated 3 years ago

FreeCAD Path post processor for Charly robot milling machine.

grbl-Mega-5X (fork) Stars 336 Updated 1 year ago

5/6 Axis version of Grbl, the open source, embedded, high performance g-code-parser and CNC milling controller written in optimized C that will run on an Arduino Mega2560


Gauthier joined 3 years ago.

Income Per Week (in Euro)

Number of Patrons Per Week