
Jimi Eisenstein

Jimi Eisenstein is creating paradigm-shifting animated videos

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I am creating animated videos that challenge established ways of thinking. In an age of unprecedented crisis wrought by civilization, we need a worldview shift, a complete overhaul of the systems of meaning that color our basic perception of the world. There are many brilliant thinkers who have articulated various aspects of this change in worldview, but these ideas are often written in books, which fewer and fewer people are reading these days. My goal is to depict some of these ideas in the form of captivating, accessible, animated videos so that they can better weave into public awareness. The topics I plan on covering include but are not limited to:

  • Criticism of currently established systems of economics, politics, education, etc.
  • Alternative ways to organize society
  • The importance of healthy ecosystems to human well-being
  • Natural agriculture versus industrial agriculture
  • The dissolution of community, and how it can be rebuilt
  • Whole-systems thinking, how we can conceive of the world holistically, and what that means practically

All my videos will be freely available to watch with no ads, and will have a Creative Commons copyright.


Jimi joined 4 years ago.

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