If you donate money I can invest more time into open source projects!
I work on different open source projects, e.g. Track Work Time (an Android app to automatically track how long you work - by available Wi-Fi network or by location) and Song Database (a program to manage and show lyrics on a digital projector in a church service - runs on Windows/Linux/MacOS).
If you donate money to me I can invest more time into these open source projects!
Linked Accounts
MathisDT owns the following accounts on other platforms:
sdb2 Stars 14 Updated 1 week ago
lyrics presentation on a digital projector, e.g. for church services
trackworktime Stars 141 Updated 2 weeks ago
Android app to track your work time via WiFi or location and categorize each recorded intervall by a predefined client/task and a free text.
Patrons Export as CSV
MathisDT has 1 public patron.
MathisDT joined 7 years ago.
MathisDT does not disclose how much they receive through Liberapay.