

NemoMobile receives €2.09 per week from 2 patrons.
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Linked Accounts

NemoMobile owns the following accounts on other platforms:


glacier-home Stars 25 Updated 1 week ago

Homescreen for the Glacier UX.

glacier-polkit-agent Stars 0 Updated 2 months ago

glacier-packagemanager Stars 2 Updated 2 months ago

Package manager for nemomobile

glacier-testtool Stars 0 Updated 2 months ago

glacier-music Stars 2 Updated 2 months ago

glacier-camera Stars 0 Updated 2 months ago

glacier-browser Stars 1 Updated 2 months ago

glacier-filemuncher Stars 0 Updated 3 months ago

glacier-contacts Stars 0 Updated 3 months ago

glacier-gallery Stars 1 Updated 3 months ago

Gallery application for nemo

glacier-settings Stars 2 Updated 4 months ago

glacier-pinquery Stars 0 Updated 6 months ago

QML based PIN query application using ofono-qt

glacier-dialer Stars 2 Updated 6 months ago

Glacier dialer

glacier-calc Stars 0 Updated 6 months ago

glacier-messages Stars 0 Updated 9 months ago

glacier-mail Stars 0 Updated 2 years ago

Patrons   Export as CSV

NemoMobile has 1 public patron.



NemoMobile joined 3 years ago.

Income Per Week (in Euro)

Number of Patrons Per Week