a highly automated and intuitive digital audio workstation
a highly automated and intuitive digital audio workstation
Zrythm is a digital audio workstation designed to be featureful and easy to use. It offers streamlined editing workflows with flexible tools, limitless automation capabilities, powerful mixing features, chord assistance and support for various plugin and file formats.
Zrythm is free software written in C using the GTK4 toolkit and can be extended using GNU Guile.
- Object looping, cloning, linking and stretching
- Adaptive snapping
- Multiple lanes per track
- Bounce anything to audio or MIDI
- Piano roll (MIDI editor) with chord integration, drum mode and a lollipop velocity editor
- Audio editor with part editing (including in external app) and adjustable gain/fades
- Event viewers (list editors) with editable object parameters
- Built-in and scriptable per-context object functions
- Audio/MIDI/automation recording with options to punch in/out, record on MIDI input and create takes
- Device-bindable parameters for external control
- Wide variety of track types for every purpose
- Signal manipulation with signal groups, aux sends and direct anywhere-to-anywhere connections
- In-context listening by dimming other tracks
- Automate anything using automation events or CV signal from modulator plugins and macro knobs
- Detachable views for multi-monitor setups
- Searchable preferences
- Support for LV2/VST2/VST3/AU/LADSPA/DSSI plugins, SFZ/SF2 SoundFonts, Type 0 and 1 MIDI files, and almost every audio file format
- Flexible built-in file and plugin browsers
- Optional plugin sandboxing (bridging)
- Stem export
- Chord pad with built-in and user presets, including the ability to generate chords from scales
- Automatic project backups
- Undoable user actions with serializable undo history
- User scripting capabilities via Guile API
- Hardware-accelerated UI
- SIMD-optimized DSP
- Cross-platform, cross-audio/MIDI backend and cross-architecture
- Available in multiple languages including Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, French and German
For a full list of features, see the Features page on our website.
Current state
Zrythm is currently in beta. The project format is stable and we are working towards a v1 release.
Supported backends
- Audio: JACK (PipeWire), PulseAudio, SDL2, RtAudio (ALSA/WASAPI/CoreAudio)
- MIDI: JACK (PipeWire), WindowsMME, RtMidi (ALSA sequencer/Windows MME/CoreMIDI)
Supported platforms
- GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Windows, MacOS
See the user manual.
Mailing lists
Issue trackers
See the Feature tracker and Bug tracker.
If you would like to support this project please donate below or purchase a binary installer from https://www.zrythm.org/en/download.html - creating a DAW takes years of work and contributions enable us to spend more time working on the project.
- liberapay.com/Zrythm
- paypal.me/zrythm
- opencollective.com/zrythm
- Bitcoin (BTC):
- Litecoin (LTC):
- Monero (XMR):
Linked Accounts
Zrythm owns the following accounts on other platforms:
zrythm Stars 2383 Updated 2 months ago
a highly automated and intuitive digital audio workstation - official mirror
Zrythm joined 6 years ago.