W. Augusto Andreoli
Backend developer, open-source enthusiast
Backend developer working professionally in Python, now Learning Rust as a hobby. Open-source enthusiast, I would love to contribute more and create handy tools for my own use and for others.
Linked Accounts
andreoliwa owns the following accounts on other platforms:
daily-grind Stars 0 Updated this week
Easily open all the apps you use every day
dontforget Stars 8 Updated this week
Don't forget to do your chores (using Gmail, Toggl and more tools to come)
nitpick Stars 393 Updated this week
Enforce the same settings on multiple projects
python-cdown Stars 4 Updated this week
CLI interface and Python package to parse and validate CODEOWNERS files used by GitHub and GitLab (not tested with BitBucket yet)
logseq-doctor Stars 44 Updated this week
Heal your Markdown files: convert to outline, list tasks and more tools to come
conjuring Stars 2 Updated this week
🐍 🤖 Reusable global Invoke tasks that can be merged with local project tasks
answering-machine Stars 0 Updated this week
Create a custom email message from a list of sentences
andreoliwa joined 1 year ago.
andreoliwa does not disclose how much they receive through Liberapay.