
Dream Scatter

Computational Meta-Linguist

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Mathematics and computer algebra researcher for differential geometric algebras 🇩🇪 🇺🇸

Developing julia programs on github https://github.com/chakravala

These projects and repositories were started entirely on my own initiative and goals.

Projects are available as free software to help spread the ideas to a wider audience.

Linked Accounts

chakravala owns the following accounts on other platforms:


Grassmann.jl Stars 458 Updated 1 month ago

⟨Grassmann-Clifford-Hodge⟩ multilinear differential geometric algebra

Cartan.jl Stars 5 Updated 1 month ago

Maurer-Cartan-Lie frame connections ∇ Grassmann.jl TensorField derivations

StaticVectors.jl Stars 8 Updated 1 month ago

Statically sized tuple vectors for Julia

AbstractTensors.jl Stars 44 Updated 1 month ago

Tensor algebra abstract type interoperability setup

DirectSum.jl Stars 50 Updated 2 months ago

Tangent bundle, vector space and Submanifold definition

Leibniz.jl Stars 19 Updated 3 months ago

Tensor algebra utility library

Adapode.jl Stars 10 Updated 3 months ago

Adaptive P/ODE numerics with Grassmann element TensorField assembly

MeasureSystems.jl Stars 2 Updated 3 months ago

Measurements.jl compatibility layer for UnitSystems.jl

Similitude.jl Stars 6 Updated 3 months ago

Dimensions and Quantities for UnitSystems.jl

FieldAlgebra.jl Stars 8 Updated 3 months ago

Field-algebra based on Group / Ring symbolic vector module extension

Reduce.jl Stars 234 Updated 3 months ago

Symbolic parser for Julia language term rewriting using REDUCE algebra

Geophysics.jl Stars 10 Updated 3 months ago

Planetary science data for atmospheric geophysical models

Wilkinson.jl Stars 3 Updated 5 months ago

Toolkit for studying numerical analysis and floating point algebra round-off

Fatou.jl Stars 111 Updated 5 months ago

Fatou sets in Julia (Fractals, Newton basins, Mandelbrot)

UnitSystems.jl Stars 12 Updated 1 year ago

Physical unit systems (Metric, English, Natural, etc...)

Ganja.jl Stars 11 Updated 2 years ago

Interface for the ganja.js library in Julia

FlowGeometry.jl Stars 2 Updated 2 years ago

Geometry for fluid dynamics

Grassmann.wl Stars 5 Updated 3 years ago

⟨Leibniz-Grassmann-Clifford⟩ multilinear differential geometric algebra

VerTeX.jl Stars 14 Updated 3 years ago

Typeset scattered graph data rewriter based on LaTeX nodes

Ajna.jl Stars 2 Updated 4 years ago

Perception & intuition for geometric algebra visualization


chakravala joined 5 years ago.

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