

I write open source software

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Open Source Software

I produce open source software. Some of it is related to computational intelligence. In other cases, utilities I've implemented to assist in the development process. If you find any of my open source projects useful, feel free to support them.

Linked Accounts

cicirello owns the following accounts on other platforms:


core Stars 0 Updated this week

Utilities and data structures used by several of my projects

JavaPermutationTools Stars 8 Updated this week

A Java library for computation on permutations and sequences

Chips-n-Salsa Stars 54 Updated this week

A Java library of Customizable, Hybridizable, Iterative, Parallel, Stochastic, and Self-Adaptive Local Search Algorithms

jpt-examples Stars 0 Updated this week

Example programs for the JavaPermutationTools (JPT) library

pyaction Stars 30 Updated this week

A Docker container with Python, git, and the Github CLI

user-statistician Stars 81 Updated 1 week ago

Generate a GitHub stats SVG for your GitHub Profile README in GitHub Actions

rho-mu Stars 2 Updated 1 week ago

ρμ - a Java library of Randomization enHancements and Other Math Utilities

alpine-plus-plus Stars 6 Updated 2 weeks ago

A lightweight Docker container for shell scripting with git and GNU tools on Alpine Linux

gnu-on-alpine Stars 6 Updated 2 weeks ago

A lightweight Docker container for shell scripting with GNU tools on Alpine Linux

ZigguratGaussian Stars 6 Updated 2 weeks ago

Fast Gaussian distributed pseudorandom number generation in Java via the Ziggurat algorithm

examples-jacoco-badge-generator Stars 3 Updated 2 weeks ago

Sample Java project with runnable workflows demonstrating the cicirello/jacoco-badge-generator GitHub Action

InteractiveBinPacking Stars 8 Updated 2 weeks ago

Self-guided tutorial on combinatorial optimization, the bin packing problem, and constructive heuristics, suitable for use as course assignments, or by self-directed learners.

chips-n-salsa-examples Stars 3 Updated 3 weeks ago

Example programs for usage of the Chips-n-Salsa library

pyaction-lite Stars 0 Updated 1 month ago

A base Docker image for Github Actions implemented in Python

generate-sitemap Stars 66 Updated 1 month ago

Generate an XML sitemap for a GitHub Pages site using GitHub Actions

javadoc-cleanup Stars 10 Updated 2 months ago

Create mobile-friendly documentation sites by post-processing javadocs in GitHub Actions

jacoco-badge-generator Stars 94 Updated 2 months ago

Coverage badges, and pull request coverage checks, from JaCoCo reports in GitHub Actions

count-action-users Stars 6 Updated 2 months ago

Generates Shields endpoint with number of users of a GitHub Action

python-github-action-template Stars 21 Updated 8 months ago

A template repository for GitHub Actions implemented in Python

self-tuning-lam-experiments Stars 0 Updated 8 months ago

Code and experiment data from the paper: "Self-Tuning Lam Annealing: Learning Hyperparameters While Problem Solving"


cicirello joined 4 years ago.

cicirello does not disclose how much they receive through Liberapay.