

Support for the development of YAPO and an underlying API

cooperdk receives €0.00 per week from 0 patrons.
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YAPO is an organizer for adult videos. I have been working on developing my own fork for a couple of years now and am beginning to have a product that people like and I have been asked to receive donations.

The project takes a lot of time, and I am going to need paid assistance for certain sub-projects. I don't have the funds to cover this myself, so I am signing up here to attempt to ensure that further development of YAPO is covered financially.

Linked Accounts

cooperdk owns the following accounts on other platforms:


YAPO-e-plus Stars 141 Updated 1 year ago

YAPO e+ - Yet Another Porn Organizer (extended)


cooperdk joined 4 years ago.

Income Per Week (in Euro)

Number of Patrons Per Week