Davide Beatrici
Linked Accounts
davidebeatrici owns the following accounts on other platforms:
kli Stars 8 Updated 4 years ago
A Windows application that takes care of installing the specified keyboard layout for you. Pull requests are welcome!
toggle-nic Stars 7 Updated 4 years ago
A simple command-line tool that allows you to easily toggle (enable/disable) a network interface on Windows. Pull requests are welcome!
vyos-wwan-utils Stars 2 Updated 4 years ago
Collection of scripts and general info that may be useful for VyOS users who want to "easily" manage MBIM devices, in particular LTE modems.
list-processes Stars 3 Updated 5 years ago
This repository contains code that can be used to retrieve the list of running processes on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, macOS and generic BSD systems. Pull requests are welcome!
davidebeatrici is a member of 2 teams:
davidebeatrici joined 4 years ago.
davidebeatrici does not disclose how much they receive through Liberapay.