Martin Owens
Inkscape Developer
I'm working on Inkscape and wish to involve more users of Inkscape in it's development. The hope is, that by having a way to fund development, not only will I be more able to dedicate time to Inkscpe development but will hopefully be able to listen to users requests and focus on the things that users have often asked for.
Linked Accounts
doctormo owns the following accounts on other platforms:
inkscape Stars 1 Updated 2 weeks ago
Inkscape vector image editor
python-crontab Stars 95 Updated 2 months ago
Crontab module for reading and writing crontab files and accessing the system cron automatically and simply using a direct API.
python-chore Stars 0 Updated 3 years ago
A multi-platform job dispatcher to help support multiple cluster and job scheduling platforms at the same time. Job managers such as slurm, lsf and good old bash are supported.
inkscape-mathml-extension Stars 0 Updated 4 years ago
This provides a way to generate mathml based input into an inkscape document.
gtkme Stars 0 Updated 4 years ago
A Gtk wrapper library for python.
phantom_recorder Stars 1 Updated 5 years ago
Using phantomjs, this project seeks to record a webpage and produce frames of pngs with transparent backgrounds which can be overlayed in a video editor. The default target is a Big Blue Button chat gen which turns BBB chat xml files into a video.
evcf Stars 0 Updated 5 years ago
Enriched Variant Call Format module, for reading and writing VCF files with extra meta data about the isolate and it's phenotypes.
python-xsd-validator Stars 0 Updated 6 years ago
This module allows data in python to be validated against XSD schema files. It will accept XML, Json or pure python formatted schemas.
Patrons Export as CSV
doctormo has 12 public patrons.
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doctormo joined 3 years ago.