
Evandro Coan

evandrocoan has 0 patrons.


I spend my time programming for a broad range of open-source projects. My first big project was in 2014 at the alliedmodders forum, maintaining and developing further the galileo mapchooser and addons zz's multimod plugins for Counter-Strike, Half-Life, Sven Co-op, and others.

Later on (2016-today), after helping in the Sublime Text forum, I started creating an integrated toolset environment, aiming to be a development environment to work with any programming language. This ITE is what use today to program in any language like C++, Python, Typescript, Java, HTML, CSS, etc.

In 2020, I also started contributing to the anki flashcards software with some pull-requests and helping on its support forum.

Linked Accounts

evandrocoan owns the following accounts on other platforms:


dotfiles Stars 6 Updated 1 month ago

My linux configurations (or Dotfiles) used on Mint XFCE 19.1, Ubuntu and Cygwin

batch_scripts Stars 1 Updated 3 months ago

Contains some useful script utilities I use somewhere

ITE Stars 30 Updated 6 months ago

An Integrated Toolset Environment over the Sublime Text editor aiming to develop on any programming language

StudioChannel Stars 3 Updated 6 months ago

Sublime Text Studio channel for for Package Control

channelmanager Stars 3 Updated 6 months ago

Manages packages installed as git submodules

debugtools Stars 2 Updated 6 months ago

Alternate simplified logging support and general utilities functions, see its API at: https://evandrocoan.github.io/debugtools/html/annotated.html

EposAsynchronousCriticalSections Stars 2 Updated 1 year ago

The main objective of this work is the implementation of a synchronization algorithm with support for critical asynchronous sections

User Stars 1 Updated 2 years ago

My Sublime Text Setting's User folder

AmxxChannel Stars 2 Updated 2 years ago

Sublime Text Amxx channel for for Package Control

ToggleSettingsInBatch Stars 2 Updated 2 years ago

Allow you to create your own keybindings which change view, window or global settings

AmxxEditor Stars 8 Updated 2 years ago

Auto-complete and Build System for Amx Mod X on Sublime Text

ufscthesisx-setup Stars 2 Updated 2 years ago

Pacote de normas ABNT trabalhos acadêmicos Biblioteca Universitário da UFSC: https://github.com/UFSC/ufscthesisx

ufscthesisx-light Stars 1 Updated 2 years ago

Modelo light de trabalhos acadêmico da Biblioteca Universitária UFSC

MultiModServer Stars 16 Updated 2 years ago

It is a Multi-Mod plugin's configurations for Amx Mod X - https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=273018

ViewSettingsFreely Stars 1 Updated 3 years ago

Put Sublime Text on Free Distraction Mode when editing Sublime Text settings

SQLKeywordUppercase Stars 1 Updated 3 years ago

Automatically set all SQL keywords to upper case after the space keystroke

SkipCloseForClonedViews Stars 1 Updated 3 years ago

Skip save (ask) when closing a cloned view

SelectAllSpellingErrors Stars 1 Updated 3 years ago

Select All Spelling Errors Command for Sublime Text

RichPlainText Stars 1 Updated 3 years ago

A basic and on initial development syntax and tmPreferences for Sublime Text

RememberCommandPaletteInput Stars 8 Updated 3 years ago

Some fixes for the Sublime Text command palette


evandrocoan joined 4 years ago.

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