

Self-taught software developer and open-source enthusiast

falkTX receives €8.91 per week from 11 patrons.
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Hello there!

My name is Filipe Coelho, known online as falkTX. I am an opensource enthusiast and regularly contribute to many projects, and of course also make my own when I see the need for it. Initially started with the KXStudio project, which added in Cadence and Carla, then created DISTRHO and DPF and more recently started maintaining JACK.

This page exists for those that like my work and want to show appreciation. Here's a few of my projects:

KXStudio - http://kx.studio/

KXStudio is a collection of applications and plugins for audio production. KXStudio also provides Debian (and Ubuntu) compatible repositories. This is a sorta meta-project where I put a lot of stuff inside. Mostly known today for its up-to-date and reliable repositories.

Cadence - https://kx.studio/cadence

A collection of tools to manage Linux audio. Includes Audio settings, patchbay, recorder, meter and logs viewer.

Carla - https://kx.studio/carla

Carla is a fully-featured modular audio plugin host, with support for many audio drivers and plugin formats. It has some nice features like transport control, automation of parameters via MIDI CC and remote control over OSC.

DPF - https://github.com/DISTRHO/DPF

C++ framework to create real-time cross-platform audio plugins. Provides UI support using OpenGL, with integrated NanoVG library.

DPF-Plugins - https://github.com/DISTRHO/DPF-Plugins

Collection of DPF-based plugins, all as Standalone, LV2 and VST versions, for Linux, macOS and Windows.

DISTRHO-Ports - https://distrho.sourceforge.io/

Linux ports of existing open-source audio plugins, using Juce. Contains a forked version of the Juce library for LV2 plugin support.

Besides this, I also currently maintain the JACK project and contribute from time to time to open-source projects such as Calf , Surge and ZynAddSubFX.

Linked Accounts

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falkTX joined 7 years ago.

Income per week (in Euro)

Number of patrons per week