

Software engineer

h3poteto receives ¥42 per week from 1 patron.
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I'm a software engineer working in Japan. My representative works are Whalebird and Fedistar. Both of them are Fediverse client application for desktop.

Linked Accounts

h3poteto owns the following accounts on other platforms:


fedistar Stars 124 Updated this week

Multi-column Fediverse client for desktop

whalebird-desktop Stars 889 Updated 1 week ago

Single-column Fediverse client for desktop

aws-global-accelerator-controller Stars 26 Updated 1 week ago

A Kubernetes controller for Global Accelerators and Route53

ecs-task Stars 27 Updated 1 week ago

Run a task on Amazon ECS and stream the output to stdout

megalodon Stars 242 Updated 1 week ago

Fediverse API client library for node.js and browser

kube-job Stars 85 Updated 1 week ago

Run one off job on kubernetes from the command line tool

fluentd-sidecar-injector Stars 38 Updated 1 week ago

Webhook server for kubernetes admission webhook to inject fluentd as sidecar

megalodon-rs Stars 107 Updated 1 month ago

Fediverse API client library for Rust

electron-mock-ipc Stars 23 Updated 1 year ago

Mock Electron's ipcMain, and ipcRenderer


h3poteto joined 6 years ago.

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