
Andrea Scarpino

Software Developer involved in FLOSS. Privacy evangelist. White hat. Former Arch Linux developer.

ilpianista receives €0.42 per week from 1 patron.
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At the moment I'm focusing on improving the Sailfish OS ecosystem by writing more apps for it, but I also send patches to free and libre open source software I use whenever I can.


Linked Accounts

ilpianista owns the following accounts on other platforms:


harbour-Base64 Stars 2 Updated 2 months ago

A Base64 encoder/decoder for Sailfish OS

harbour-Blocky Stars 1 Updated 2 months ago

A blocky UI for SailfishOS

harbour-MPW Stars 1 Updated 2 months ago

A MasterPassword client for SailfishOS

harbour-Syncthing Stars 2 Updated 2 months ago

A Sailfish OS UI for Syncthing

arch-audit Stars 330 Updated 4 months ago

A utility like pkg-audit for Arch Linux. Based on Arch Security Team data.

harbour-SailHN Stars 3 Updated 4 months ago

An unofficial Hacker News client for Sailfish OS

harbour-Tailscale Stars 3 Updated 5 months ago

A tailscale UI for SailfishOS

harbour-HostIsDown Stars 2 Updated 5 months ago

A Salfish OS application to check if the desired host is up or not

harbour-Papocchio Stars 2 Updated 6 months ago

A free-hand draw application for Sailfish OS

harbour-Lyrics Stars 1 Updated 10 months ago

Music lyrics application for Sailfish OS

harbour-ShakeTorch Stars 2 Updated 1 year ago

Shake phone to turn on flashlight

transmission-readynasduo Stars 3 Updated 2 years ago

Transmission add-on for ReadyNAS Duo/NV+ (sparc)

base16-builder-rust Stars 23 Updated 2 years ago

A Rust implementation of a base16 builder

itlinux-win-keyboard Stars 63 Updated 3 years ago

An Italian keyboard layout for Windows, customized with shortcuts from Linux systems

libsystemd-qt Stars 48 Updated 7 years ago

Qt-only wrapper for Systemd DBus API

base16-qtcreator Stars 18 Updated 7 years ago

Qt Creator styles based on Chris Kempson's Base16 colour scheme


ilpianista joined 7 years ago.

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