
Cédric Félizard

Libre Software Developer

infertux's goal is to receive €100.00 per week.
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If you like what I build, you can donate to me here. This allows me to shift my time from writing proprietary software to writing Free Software. Hopefully, I’ll be able to make a living solely from the latter one day… one glorious day. Thus I am very grateful for any contributions toward that goal. Thank you!

Linked Accounts

infertux owns the following accounts on other platforms:


growatt_exporter Stars 4 Updated 1 month ago

Prometheus (Grafana) / MQTT (Home Assistant) exporter for Growatt solar inverters

ruby-bootstrap Stars 6 Updated 3 months ago

Simple Bash scripts to install recent Ruby versions from source

epever_exporter Stars 3 Updated 3 months ago

Grafana/Prometheus exporter for EPEVER/EPSOLAR Tracer solar charge controllers

bashcov Stars 147 Updated 3 months ago

Code coverage tool for Bash

chef-tor-ng Stars 1 Updated 3 months ago

Chef cookbook to install Tor

imap_guard Stars 5 Updated 5 months ago

RubyGem to manage emails on IMAP servers

ordinalize_full Stars 9 Updated 10 months ago

Turns a number into an ordinal string such as first, second, third or 1st, 2nd, 3rd.

zeyple Stars 143 Updated 3 years ago

Postfix filter/hook to automatically encrypt outgoing emails with PGP/GPG

nfc-explorer Stars 15 Updated 4 years ago

Simple Android app to explore NFC tags

sysechk Stars 15 Updated 5 years ago

System Security Checker is a bundle of small shell scripts to assess your computer security.

lifechart Stars 11 Updated 6 years ago

Spend your time wisely


infertux joined 6 years ago.

Income Per Week (in Euro)

Number of Patrons Per Week