
Fonduso Instigo

Eventa Servo, Komputeko, EO translation of websites and software. Under the auspices of the UEA.

instigo receives €15.18 per week from 11 patrons. Goal: €100.00
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Instigo-Liberapay, under the auspices of the Universal Esperanto Association, supports Esperanto activities that aim to provide online services in Esperanto and other satellite activities. The foundation is supported by the Universal Esperanto Association. Here is an overview of the various projects you support with a donation to Instigo-Liberapay.

Eventa Servo (www.eventaservo.org) is a modern international calendar of Esperanto-related events. Fernando Shayani and Yves Nevelsteen are in charge and are very much involved in the Event Service website on behalf of UEA and TEJO. Your support helps keep the site running and encourages you to constantly provide improvements to it. Support it too by adding your events and a record of your organization and of yourself as a user!

Komputeko (www.komputeko.net) is a collection of computer terminology. Many people are willing to help a bit with translation, but what matters is a good, constantly updated dictionary and someone who coordinates and encourages / appreciates collaboration. Without it, very worthy translation projects like Komputeko do not progress or even die. It is worth mentioning that Yves Nevelsteen is collaborating with Robin van der Vliet on a brand new Komputeko website. There is a lot of work, but it is very much worthwhile!

Translation of Telegram (www.telegramo.org) and WordPress (www.wordpress.com) into Esperanto: Robin van der Vliet is the main translator (to Esperanto) and disseminator of Telegram in Esperantoland. Yves took over Cindy McKee's WordPress translation work at the request of Kalle Kniivilä, as it is used by the Libera Folio website. Both translation teams use Komputeko and provide new words at the same time. It is important to encourage an always up-to-date translation of these and other platforms that are useful to Esperantists and show the usefulness of Esperanto!

Wikipedia, Wikidata and other Wikimedia sites (eo.wikipedia.org) are immeasurably important for the preservation of the memory of Esperanto and also for showing the diversity of the use of our language. Yves and Robin use bots to correct language in Wikipedia and encourage the writing and linking of interesting articles, in partnership with the ELiSo (Esperanto and Libera Scio) professional group, with which UEA collaborates. Your support encourages the updating and continued enrichment of the content of Wikipedia and related websites!

Eksterrete (www.nevelsteen.info/eksterrete): Everything can be found on the Internet, but it is important to guide people and indicate what is actually interesting and relevant. That's why Eksterrete was created! These are regularly published paper booklets with online articles created by Yves in Belgium. Of course, it is not enough to create such a work once: it is necessary to update it regularly. Your support encourages the regular publication of Eksterrete, which is a particularly useful tool for older Esperantists. It's a pleasure to provide them with these booklets - and your support makes that possible!

Esperanto brand names (www.nevelsteen.info/markoj): Non-Esperanto associations and companies that consciously choose a name in Esperanto should be our ambassadors! Esperanto is more popular than many imagine, at least in this field. The Markolibro not only helps Esperantists become aware of groups that themselves choose a name in Esperanto, but shows those groups that our community pays positive attention to them. This gives rise to opportunities due to several collaborations with groups that operate commercially or in other fields of our society. In the meantime, Yves is working on a new, five-language European Markolibro, which might even evolve into a book that gives a worldwide overview. This is a long-term project. New brand names appear regularly. Your support is an essential encouragement!

We report on the Instigo Foundation in detail each year in a separate brochure. A 2020 report is available for interested parties.

European supporters are encouraged to choose a euro bank account (SEPA regional direct debit) as a method of payment, in favor of better administrative and management costs.

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instigo joined 5 years ago.

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