Jonas Platte
Software developer and free software enthusiast
I'm Jonas and I work on free software in my spare time, almost exclusively on projects written in Rust. I also blog over at, in very irregular intervals.
Here's an overview of my open source / free software involvement:
- I created the websites and
- I am the primary maintainer of the Ruma project (liberapay page here), which provides a set of Rust crates for interacting with the decentralized chat network Matrix
- since March 2022 this maintainer role is my day job and I am no longer taking any money from being on the Ruma liberapay
- I am co-maintaining axum, the Rust web framework
- I have also made minor contributions to many other open-source projects, including the Rust compiler, rust-analyzer, SQLx and a few Tokio crates
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jplatte joined 7 years ago.