Donations for Piped & other services on kavin.rocks
By donating, you are securing the future of Piped's development and other privacy-friendly hosted services
Piped handles 20 TB of ingress and egress bandwidth every day, maintaining the performance and usability of large-scale services can be a time-consuming task at times, even though a lot of automation is already involved.
I voluntarily maintain my services in my free time, donating is just another way of saying thank you and helps with the server costs.
I maintain the following Tor relays: https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#search/KavinRelay.
You can find a full list of all my hosted services at https://kavin.rocks/services
Linked Accounts
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Patrons Export as CSV
kavin has 8 public patrons.
kavin joined 4 years ago.