
Linus Groh

I'm a developer & maintainer of SerenityOS, the Ladybird browser, and other open source projects.

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Hello there, thanks for checking out my Liberapay page!

Ever since discovering the open source world, I've increasingly spent more time contributing features and fixes to software I like and use, as well as publishing some of my own work. Today, most of the code I write in my free time is public. It's more fun like that!

My primary focus is on SerenityOS and the Ladybird browser. Since joining the project in early 2020 I've gone from learning C++ so I could contribute, to becoming a maintainer and regularly working on its browser and JavaScript engine. One of my long term goals with this is turning Ladybird into a production-ready browser that people actually can and want to use :)

Additionally, I have a few responsibilities in the project that don't involve code:

  • I present the community's work on the browser (i.e. LibWeb, LibJS, and the Ladybird & Browser applications) in Andreas' monthly update videos
  • I also make my own SerenityOS hacking videos on YouTube (subscribe here!)
  • I'm representing our JS engine at TC39 as an Invited Expert for LibJS!

As of this year I've reduced the hours at my regular job so I can work on open source part-time, and with your help I want to take this even further and do it full time!

Linked Accounts

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linusg joined 5 years ago.