

I'm a software builder and contributor

oblita has 0 patrons.


I create and contribute to software, both free, gratis and proprietary at the moment. Here's a short list of relevant things I'm involved with:

  • Interception: Windows library and driver for manipulating input from multiple keyboards and mice, with kernel level powers.

  • Interception Tools: My initial attempt at porting Interception powers to Linux-land in an idiomatic way.

  • caps2esc: Low level Linux/Windows key mapping tool that turns CapsLock into CTRL when chording and ESC when pressed alone. For vi/Vim/NeoVim addicts.

  • hideaway: Interception Tools plugin for auto hiding mouse cursor, and that works on Wayland.

  • C/C++ Code Completion: I've contributed to Clang codebase for libclang to provide completion for function arguments. Now in use by clangd, editor plugins and IDEs.

  • MIMEmbellish: Pretty HTML email from (Neo)Mutt.

By supporting me you're supporting the development of these projects, costs associated to required code signing certificates for Windows drivers, my FOSS contributions and more. Currently I have these unreleased projects in the queue:

  • Fixing Interception's 10 device limit and then resigning drivers with a new certificate.

  • Fully refactor Interception with new long time requested features.

  • A complex key chording mapping tool on top of Interception Tools, a generalization of caps2esc.

  • Yet another code completer for NeoVim, but built on my years of frustrations with the many current options I've gone through. Built mainly on Rust, with minimum necessary VimL.

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oblita joined 6 years ago.

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