
Özcan Oğuz

ooguz has 0 patrons.

Linked Accounts

ooguz owns the following accounts on other platforms:


papyrus Stars 69 Updated 1 year ago

A simple paper backup tool for GnuPG or SSH keys

turkce-kufur-karaliste Stars 177 Updated 3 years ago

Türkçe için bir kara liste (blacklist)

latex-tuzuk Stars 0 Updated 4 years ago

LaTeX için tüzük sınıfı

vaporize Stars 1 Updated 4 years ago

An extremely simple vaporwave text generator

pfxposter Stars 4 Updated 4 years ago

A PixelFed to Mastodon/Twitter crossposter that uses Atom feed and Mastodon API


ooguz joined 4 years ago.

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