

recursive_recursion receives CA$3.80 per week from 2 patrons.
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Who Am I?

Pronouns: [ they / them ]
I'm recursive_recursion:
- a recent Software Development Graduate of 2024.
- Volunteer Community Team Lead, Admin & Moderator for Programming.dev, a federated instance.

Why Should I Donate?

While I look for a job fresh out of my Software Development Diploma..

Your support will help:
- Fund my content moderation & admin volunteering.
- Deliver higher quality content as I'm planning on publishing additional programming and systems related content under AGPL-3.0 and/or CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

What Will Your Donations Be Used For?

Currently they'll be used to help me get out of my current toxic living conditions and to pay for my student loans.
- But afterwards:

Further Donation Distribution Plans

I'd like to evenly distribute the donations I gain amongst:
- Team members I trust like the P.D team and fellow instance admins and moderators.
- Copyleft FOSS projects and communities.
- The Arch Linux team (I'd like to thank everyone that had a part in developing the Wiki as it honestly helped me get to where I am).
- Not-for-profit organizations.
- Animal shelters.

But Why?

yes; I could keep all the donations I get, but after learning about the systems that we live in:
I think this new approach might be close to sustainably funding Free and Open Source Software that we all depend on.
All of these projects that we all collectively depend on are built by real people that also need to be supported.

So this is my start to building a sustainable funding model for FOSS projects

Will This Work?

honestly I don't know..
As of writing this, I would say there's a 60% likelihood of this working due to some of the systems I've seen demonstrating this.
However from past experiences the methodology I've found that works best is: hope for the best, planned for the worst.

So we'll see in due time...

One More Thing:

Please know that any and all donations will be held for 30 days before finalizing. What I mean by finalizing is that: If at any point you wish to retract your initial donation; you will be able to receive a full refund as long as a refund request message is sent within 30 days (720 hours) since the time of the initial donation date.
- The reasoning behind this is to cover the exception case/circumstances of accidental donations/over donations.

Linked Accounts

recursive_recursion owns the following accounts on other platforms:

Patrons   Export as CSV

recursive_recursion has 1 public patron.



recursive_recursion joined 5 months ago.

Income Per Week (in Canadian Dollar)

Number of Patrons Per Week