
Rhonnie Fordham

Horror Writer

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If you found this page, you probably (hopefully) enjoy my writing. I consider myself a rabid horror fan which has fueled my writing in the dark genres of horror, thriller, and mystery. I’m a produced screenwriter (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm7111970/?ref_=nv_sr_1) but I’m more focused on my prose at this point in my writing.

I love writing. I love this genre. And I have a deep appreciation for the reads, my fans, and anyone who likes my writing. If you ever want to reach out to me, feel free to contact me via Reddit or Facebook (Rhonnie Fordham). I like to think I’m very friendly to all my readers.

Finally, my goal is to be one of the most prolific and greatest writers the genre has ever seen. As you can tell from my stories, I also strive for diverse ensembles. Leads that are female, LGBT, or people of color will not be unusual in my work. Their constant representation will be the norm. As it should be.


rhonnie14 joined 5 years ago.

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