I work on various different projects
If you came here, you probably saw my badge on one of the projects that I'm contributing to.
As some of these projects are security-sensitive, I will not list the projects here. Most of my contribution is done by helping people on IRC. Channels vary, so it's hard to give a hard list anyway.
Examples: Otakubox, InspIRCd, euIRC, gentoo, eggdrop.
Instead I summarize the characteristics. All projects are: - legal - non-profit - Have their heart at "open source", "knowledge transfer" or "providing communication infrastructure / services"
Incoming donations will spent on the projects that I support or run.
Additionally I operate my git repositories on
I will likely update this text to better fit liberapay's requirements.
Linked Accounts
satmd owns the following accounts on other platforms:
satmd joined 4 years ago.